Bessie Santelli

Bessie Santelli

Friendly foodaholic. Avid beer geek. Lifelong travel trailblazer. Typical tv scholar. Certified beer advocate.

102 Posts Written
What is an online consulting business?

What is an online consulting business?

An online consultant is a professional with special experience who provides guidance to clients through digital...

Can you work two positions at the same company?

Can you work two positions at the same company?

Employers are not required to allow employees to work more than one job for them; employers can choose to allow or...

What is the goal of a business consultant?

What is the goal of a business consultant?

A business consultant is a professional who advises, provides information, provides information and recommendations to...

Is Being a Business Consultant a Good Career Choice? - A Comprehensive Guide

Is Being a Business Consultant a Good Career Choice? - A Comprehensive Guide

Are you considering becoming a business consultant? If so, you're in luck. This profession offers a wide range of...

How to Become a Successful Consultant with No Experience

How to Become a Successful Consultant with No Experience

Consulting is a field that is open to anyone, regardless of experience. Companies may expect consultants to provide...

How do consultants make strategy?

How do consultants make strategy?

Strategic consulting is the process of advising companies on important business decisions by providing strategic advice....

What is strategy consulting and examples?

What is strategy consulting and examples?

Strategic consulting services The most common examples of strategic advisory projects include evaluating strategic...

What does an ecommerce virtual assistant do?

What does an ecommerce virtual assistant do?

E-commerce virtual assistants are bots that use machine learning and natural language processing to perform various...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Working with a Virtual Business Consultant

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Working with a Virtual Business Consultant

Trust is a critical factor when it comes to working with customers, and virtual communication can make it difficult to...

What is the role of consultant in small business?

What is the role of consultant in small business?

A small business consultant could help plan strategic messages or launches. The role of a small business consultant is to ...

How do you break into a consulting?

How do you break into a consulting?

How to enter consulting Determine your point of entry. The first step in getting an offer from one of the major...

What are the benefits of an ecommerce virtual assistant?

What are the benefits of an ecommerce virtual assistant?

One of the most important advantages of hiring an ecommerce assistant is that it can help you properly manage your online ...

What is the best type of consultant?

What is the best type of consultant?

Financial risk management consultants belong to the Finance & Risks family of consultants, which represents almost 20% of ...

What are the disadvantages of using external consultants as change agents?

What are the disadvantages of using external consultants as change agents?

The downside to using an external change agent is that they don't have a working knowledge or understanding of the...

Do i need an ein for consulting?

Do i need an ein for consulting?

Even if a consultant isn't going to have employees, they may need an EIN (employer identification number). The EIN is a...

How do i prepare for a virtual assistant?

How do i prepare for a virtual assistant?

How to become a virtual assistant without experience Take training courses. You have to prepare to work as a VA and run...

What hard skills do consultants need?

What hard skills do consultants need?

The 6 most important consulting skills: analytical skills. Management consultants help organizations solve problems,...

Do I Need to Provide Information to My Virtual Business Consultant Before They Start Working?

Do I Need to Provide Information to My Virtual Business Consultant Before They Start Working?

No matter how advanced you are in the virtual work environment, it's important to be open to experimenting and ask your...

Which of the big 3 is the best consulting?

Which of the big 3 is the best consulting?

MBB (Big Firms at a Glance) This principle allows McKinsey to bring together the best people for any given task in any...

Can I Request Additional Support or Guidance from My Virtual Business Consultant After Our Work is Done?

Can I Request Additional Support or Guidance from My Virtual Business Consultant After Our Work is Done?

Business consultants can be a great asset to any company, helping to streamline processes and increase profits. But what...

Do I Need to Provide Resources to My Virtual Business Consultant?

Do I Need to Provide Resources to My Virtual Business Consultant?

Hiring a business consultant can be a great way to streamline processes, increase profits, and gain insight into the path ...

What's the Difference Between the Big 4 and Big 3?

What's the Difference Between the Big 4 and Big 3?

The Big 4 and Big 3 are both large, global companies, but there are some key differences between them. The Big 4 firms...

What are the cons of being a consultant?

What are the cons of being a consultant?

Consultants may face an uncertain future at the end of a project if another project is not immediately available. Long...

Can consultants become rich?

Can consultants become rich?

You don't need a degree to become a consultant, nor do you need to be a leading expert to launch your services. That's...

When should you fire a consultant?

When should you fire a consultant?

Main reasons why companies fire a consultant They change direction: The company or organization is changing direction in...

What is the process of hiring a virtual assistant?

What is the process of hiring a virtual assistant?

Start by making a list of all the tasks and processes. A virtual assistant takes care of daily or weekly tasks so you can ...

Becoming a Virtual Business Consultant: What You Need to Know

Becoming a Virtual Business Consultant: What You Need to Know

Are you looking to become a virtual business consultant? This type of consultant provides expert advice and services to...

What questions should i ask as a consultant?

What questions should i ask as a consultant?

You usually fail as a consultant if you can't develop consulting skills that match industry experience. On the other...

Can I Trust the Advice of a Virtual Business Consultant? - A Guide for Independent Consultants

Can I Trust the Advice of a Virtual Business Consultant? - A Guide for Independent Consultants

Building trust is essential for successful consulting, and PICA recently organized a virtual roundtable with experienced...

What is the purpose of a small business consultant?

What is the purpose of a small business consultant?

Essentially, they are creative problem solvers. The role of a small business consultant is to identify problems and...

Does mckinsey have work life balance?

Does mckinsey have work life balance?

Around 31% of McKinsey & Company employees work eight hours or less, while 25% of them work a very long day, of more than ...

What are the qualifications of a business consultant?

What are the qualifications of a business consultant?

A degree in business administration, marketing, economics, engineering, or a similar area is often the minimum...

What type of consulting is in demand?

What type of consulting is in demand?

Change managers help companies to face difficult challenges and to move forward in line. An IT consultant helps clients...

Is it the big 3 or big 4 in accounting?

Is it the big 3 or big 4 in accounting?

The Big Four is the nickname of the four largest accounting firms in the United States, based on revenues. They are...

How do i hire a business consultant?

How do i hire a business consultant?

Toptal is a marketplace for the best business consultants. Top companies and start-ups hire Toptal business consultants...

How hard is it to get into mckinsey internship?

How hard is it to get into mckinsey internship?

The acceptance rate for an internship at McKinsey is estimated to be less than 5%. This means that for every 100...

Organizing Your Work as a Consultant: A Comprehensive Guide

Organizing Your Work as a Consultant: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you a consultant looking for advice on how to organize your work? You've come to the right place. In this article,...

How hard is it to get a job at big 3?

How hard is it to get a job at big 3?

With a success rate of just 1%, getting hired at the big three consulting firms isn't easy. First, you must have an...

Can you get a consulting internship with no experience?

Can you get a consulting internship with no experience?

If you're interested in doing an internship in consulting, but don't have previous experience, it's key to build on your...

How much should i charge as a business consultant?

How much should i charge as a business consultant?

Consulting fees and prices can be structured in a variety of ways. However, as with most companies that offer services,...

Setting the Right Price for Your Consulting Services

Setting the Right Price for Your Consulting Services

When it comes to setting the right price for your consulting services, there are a few key factors to consider. The...

What documents do consultants need?

What documents do consultants need?

Index Consulting agreement, contractor agreement (individual), privacy policy, confidentiality agreement (mutual),...

How does a business tool help the business in achieving its goals and objectives?

How does a business tool help the business in achieving its goals and objectives?

One of the fundamental aspects of achieving their business objectives is understanding the steps needed to manage them...

How Many Hours Do Business Consultants Work? A Comprehensive Guide

How Many Hours Do Business Consultants Work? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to the work schedule of a business consultant, it's essential to have a clear understanding of what to...

How a Virtual Business Consultant Can Help Your Business Grow

How a Virtual Business Consultant Can Help Your Business Grow

Are you looking for ways to take your business to the next level? Hiring a virtual business consultant can be a great way ...

What do you feel are 3 key attributes to making a successful consultant?

What do you feel are 3 key attributes to making a successful consultant?


Become a Virtual Consultant: A Guide to Making Money Remotely

Become a Virtual Consultant: A Guide to Making Money Remotely

Are you looking for a way to make money remotely? Virtual consulting is an excellent option for independent contractors...

How did the big 5 become the big 4?

How did the big 5 become the big 4?

In the late 1990s, the Big 6 became the Big 5 when Price Waterhouse merged with Coopers and Lybrand to form...

Is the big 4 now the big 5?

Is the big 4 now the big 5?

The Big 5 accounting firms were the largest accounting firms in the world until 2002.They were formed from the eight...

What is big 3 firm?

What is big 3 firm?

The three consulting firms widely considered to be the Big Three or MBB are McKinsey & Company, Bain & Company and Boston ...

Why do small businesses need consultants?

Why do small businesses need consultants?

Business consultants help companies overcome challenges, increase revenues and grow. It's essential to work with business ...

Is the big 4 now the big 3?

Is the big 4 now the big 3?

They are also known as MBB. Who are the CEOs of the three main consulting firms (McKinsey, Bain, BCG) and the big 4 (EY,...

What makes a great business consultant?

What makes a great business consultant?

A good consultant is a skillful, intuitive communicator with a wide vocabulary. They know when and how to bring a...

What Kind of Experience Do Virtual Business Consultants Have?

What Kind of Experience Do Virtual Business Consultants Have?

If you're looking to become a virtual business consultant, you need to have a bachelor's or master's degree in your area...

Is big 4 the biggest in the world?

Is big 4 the biggest in the world?

They are the four largest accounting networks in the world measured by revenue. The Big Four is the nickname of the four...

Can i request changes or revisions to the advice given by my virtual business consultant during our work together?

Can i request changes or revisions to the advice given by my virtual business consultant during our work together?

Learn what consultants do and how to choose the right one. How should corporate leaders, managers, and individual workers ...

What you need to know before hiring a virtual assistant?

What you need to know before hiring a virtual assistant?

Get to know the person you want to work with. Do an interview through a virtual call to analyze in detail the job you are ...

How do you stay on track with business goals?

How do you stay on track with business goals?

Eliminate projects and services that don't sell. Reconfirm that the team is convinced of your vision.

What is Big 4 Consulting and How Does it Compare to MBB Firms?

What is Big 4 Consulting and How Does it Compare to MBB Firms?

The Big Four is the nickname of the four largest accounting firms in the United States, based on revenues. Deloitte...

What Kind of Advice Can a Virtual Business Consultant Provide?

What Kind of Advice Can a Virtual Business Consultant Provide?

A virtual business consultant can provide invaluable advice to help you streamline processes and increase profits. They...

What makes a consultant effective?

What makes a consultant effective?

A good consultant is a skilled and intuitive communicator with a wide vocabulary. They know when and how to bring a...

How do i become an online business consultant?

How do i become an online business consultant?

Determine the market you want to serve · 2.Business consultants are essential to helping a company stay competitive in a ...

How do you deliver feedback virtually?

How do you deliver feedback virtually?

Give feedback virtually Use video calls whenever possible. Whenever possible, they are a better alternative to audio only.

Is it unethical to work 2 full-time jobs?

Is it unethical to work 2 full-time jobs?

A small but growing group of employees is exploiting the new work-from-home rules that choose to work two full-time jobs...

Is consultant higher than business analyst?

Is consultant higher than business analyst?

In general, the consultant position is a higher-level position (although this position does not exist in all companies)....

What is the average consultant fee?

What is the average consultant fee?

Lower quantities tend to suggest longer iterations, that is,. Set aside at least several days for a training plan,...

What are the disadvantages of using external consultants?

What are the disadvantages of using external consultants?

External consultants may be at a disadvantage because they come from abroad and don't know the organization. A...

What Are the Highest Paying Consulting Jobs?

What Are the Highest Paying Consulting Jobs?

Are you considering a career in consulting? You may be wondering what type of consulting pays best. The answer depends on ...

What Business Consulting Services Include: An Expert's Perspective

What Business Consulting Services Include: An Expert's Perspective

Business consulting services provide specialized expertise in business matters, allowing companies to take advantage of...

How do you build trust with client consulting?

How do you build trust with client consulting?

We look at 6 ways in which Talmix Talent effectively builds trust in any new customer it works with. It's about them, not ...

What is a ba consultant?

What is a ba consultant?

The role of a business analysis consultant is to help organizations improve their processes and systems by evaluating...

How Much Does a Virtual Business Consultant Cost? A Comprehensive Guide

How Much Does a Virtual Business Consultant Cost? A Comprehensive Guide

Virtual event consulting is a great way to ensure the success of your event. It focuses on the strategy and helps you...

How can a consultant be more efficient?

How can a consultant be more efficient?

It's a good idea to accept additional projects from your clients. Let's consider the hypothetical case of an engineering...

The Benefits of Taking Business Consultants' Advice as Constructive Criticism

The Benefits of Taking Business Consultants' Advice as Constructive Criticism

For any business owner, it is essential to take the advice of business consultants as constructive criticism. It is...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of virtual?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of virtual?

The data backs this up, as companies that allow remote work see a 25% lower turnover rate. According to the EPA...

What are the three models of consultation?

What are the three models of consultation?

When using the dependent collaborative model, the respondent works together with the consultant. Each party has a unique...

What Does an Entry Level Business Consultant Do? - A Comprehensive Guide

What Does an Entry Level Business Consultant Do? - A Comprehensive Guide

Are you considering a career as an entry-level business consultant? Or have you recently received an offer from a major...

Why to hire a va?

Why to hire a va?

Increase efficiency by outsourcing non-essential tasks · 3.You can hire VA depending on the number of hours you use or...

What jobs do consultants do after consulting?

What jobs do consultants do after consulting?

We often see consultants becoming investment bankers and vice versa. By sharing a similar skill set (hola, excel and...

Maximizing Communication for Virtual Business Consultants

Maximizing Communication for Virtual Business Consultants

Virtual consulting has become a popular choice for businesses looking to take advantage of the flexibility and...

What Skills Do Business Consultants Need to Succeed?

What Skills Do Business Consultants Need to Succeed?

No matter how many frameworks, reference sheets, or strategy models you have up your sleeve, good consulting always comes ...

Do I Need to Provide Additional Resources to My Virtual Business Consultant After Our Work is Complete?

Do I Need to Provide Additional Resources to My Virtual Business Consultant After Our Work is Complete?

As a business owner, you have two distinct advantages when it comes to organic marketing: you can make referrals and...

What are the responsibilities of a business consultant?

What are the responsibilities of a business consultant?

A business consultant offers advice to companies to help them operate more productively and efficiently. Their duties may ...

The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Business Consultant: Unlocking Your Business Potential

The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Business Consultant: Unlocking Your Business Potential

Are you looking for ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency in your business? Hiring a virtual assistant can be the...

What are the potential benefits and challenges that you see as a consultant?

What are the potential benefits and challenges that you see as a consultant?

Perhaps the biggest benefit of working as an Intertech consultant is the variety of projects, technologies, industries...

The Difference Between Business Analysts and Business Consultants: A Comprehensive Guide

The Difference Between Business Analysts and Business Consultants: A Comprehensive Guide

Business analysts and consultants have many overlapping roles, but they differ primarily in one area. While both review...

What value do consultants bring to clients?

What value do consultants bring to clients?

They add value by helping their customers in a variety of ways, such as improving product quality, growing and expanding...

What Kind of Feedback Should You Receive From Your Virtual Business Consultant?

What Kind of Feedback Should You Receive From Your Virtual Business Consultant?

When you're looking to hire a virtual business consultant, it's essential to understand what kind of feedback you should...

Who are the big 5 in accounting?

Who are the big 5 in accounting?

The Big Five Arthur Andersen, Deloitte 26 Touche, Ernst 26 Young, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers. Arthur Andersen fell from ...

Measuring Success with a Virtual Business Consultant: A Guide for Consultants

Measuring Success with a Virtual Business Consultant: A Guide for Consultants

If you're a consultant looking to succeed, a virtual office is the perfect solution. To measure success, it's important...

Finding the Right Virtual Business Consultant for Your Business

Finding the Right Virtual Business Consultant for Your Business

Finding the right virtual business consultant for your business can be a daunting task. With so many options available,...

What are at least 4 desirable characteristics of a consultant?

What are at least 4 desirable characteristics of a consultant?

It is important to consider the qualities of a good consultant, as a leader seeks the best option for his business, a...

What to Expect from a Virtual Business Consultant: An Expert's Guide

What to Expect from a Virtual Business Consultant: An Expert's Guide

As a business owner, you know that having the right guidance and expertise can make all the difference in the success of...

How much does a typical consulting project cost?

How much does a typical consulting project cost?

The scope of work should be a major determinant of your rates, but it's difficult to estimate the price per hour or...

How Much Money Can You Make as a Business Consultant?

How Much Money Can You Make as a Business Consultant?

Are you considering a career in business consulting? If so, you may be wondering how much money you can make. The answer...

Do I Need to Be Present During Virtual Business Consultant Meetings? - A Guide for Businesses

Do I Need to Be Present During Virtual Business Consultant Meetings? - A Guide for Businesses

Virtual and remote meetings are becoming increasingly popular as the work-from-home revolution continues to grow. As...

What is the importance of a business consultant?

What is the importance of a business consultant?

Business consultants act as professional advisors to help companies achieve their objectives or streamline operations in...

How can consulting build relationships with clients?

How can consulting build relationships with clients?

Clear communication leads to mutual success. Engaging in candid, candid dialogues with your customers will help you get...

Can i work multiple remote jobs at the same time?

Can i work multiple remote jobs at the same time?

You might feel that both of your remote jobs are safe, since it's not illegal to have two remote jobs at once. However,...

Finding the Perfect Virtual Business Consultant

Finding the Perfect Virtual Business Consultant

Are you in need of a qualified virtual business consultant? If so, you need to make sure you have the right...