Around 31% of McKinsey & Company employees work eight hours or less, while 25% of them work a very long day, of more than twelve hours. The majority of McKinsey employees, 26% of the company's employees, are satisfied with their work-life balance and feel burned out. Work-life balance at McKinsey is rated 65%. An expert's cheat sheet to succeed in the first few months and get promoted quickly in consulting firms: consulting mentality, resource management, client management and work-life balance.
Does mckinsey have work life balance?
Around 31% of McKinsey & Company employees work eight hours or less, while 25% of them work a very long day, of more than twelve hours. The majority of McKinsey employees, 26% of the company's employees, are satisfied with their work-life balance and feel burned out.
Bessie Santelli13/05/20230 minutes read0 Replies