Big 4 Consulting Consulting jobs are considered more prestigious and offer a higher average starting salary. You'll also enjoy better exit opportunities and extensive exposure to business strategy. Consulting opportunities are also the hardest to find and have the lowest acceptance rate among the 4 big jobs. Please wait a moment and try again.
When it comes to workplace rankings in accounting, there are the Big Four and then everyone else. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, Deloitte and KPMG always lead any survey. Morgan in banking, the Big Four are prestigious firms that look good on any accountant's resume. They are also climbing the ranks with their consulting businesses.
They have limited experience or resources in technology consulting, implementation, financial advisory consulting, and risk and compliance consulting. They are the largest accounting firms in the world, but they also offer many other services, including strategic consulting services. In general, very few consultants would put a job offer from the four big companies above another of the top ten strategy consultancies. In the U.S.
In the US, Deloitte is gaining ground in terms of consulting, and even competes for deals with McKinsey & Company, Bain & Company and BCG on occasion. These three firms are also known as the Big Three Consulting Firms because they are the largest and most prestigious management consulting firms. However, they have expanded to markets adjacent to accounting, such as strategy consulting, operations, human resources, technology and financial services. Watch this video for a useful comparison between the “Top 3 consulting firms” and the “Big 4” firms (mainly accounting firms).
In the consulting industry, the pecking order of the Big Four changes from year to year and differs greatly between offices. There are six main differences between the consulting work carried out by the four major accounting firms and that of MBB. As a result, the big 4 firms do not provide accounting services to the same firms to which they provide consulting, tax advice, insurance or other services. Consulting work in the big four accounting firms tends to focus on implementation, for example, helping a company establish a new process or technology or helping a company implement recommendations that other management consulting firms had already made.
Management consulting has been an important area of investment for the Big Four, and many of them have acquired management consulting firms. While the big four accounting firms are primarily known for their auditing and tax services, they all have a consulting or advisory branch. It's more common to move from Big 4 to another consulting firm than between other consulting firms because of this big cultural difference; many people discover that it's simply not for them. In some countries, Big 4 Consulting offers some of the best, if not THE BEST consulting opportunities.
Either they move on to another exit opportunity or move to another strategic consulting practice.